Traditional Sheet Music
Patriotic Style
America, of Thee I Sing (Medley): My Country Tis of Thee - Yankee Doodle Boy - You're a Grand Old Flag - America the Beautiful
America, of Thee I Sing (Medley): My Country Tis of Thee - Yankee Doodle Boy - You're a Grand Old Flag - America the Beautiful
British Grenadiers
Du Gamla Du Fria: National Anthem of Sweden
Du Gamla, Du Fria [easy]: (National Anthem of Sweden)
Du Gamla, Du Fria: (National Anthem of Sweden)
Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu [easy]: (National Anthem of Kenya)
Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu: (National Anthem of Kenya)
For the Gambia Our Homeland [easy]: (National Anthem of Gambia)
For the Gambia Our Homeland: (National Anthem of Gambia)
Fourth of July
God Save the King
God Save the King
God Save the King
God Save the King
God Save the King: (National Anthem of the United Kingdom)
God Save the King: (National Anthem of the United Kingdom)
God Save the King: (National Anthem of the United Kingdom)
God Save the King: (National Anthem of the United Kingdom)
God Save the Queen
God Save the Queen
God Save the Queen
God Save the Queen
God Save the Queen [easy]: (National Anthem of the United Kingdom)
God Save the Queen [very easy]
God Save the Queen: (National Anthem of the United Kingdom)
God Save the Queen: National Anthem of the United Kingdom
God Save the Queen: National Anthem of the United Kingdom
Hatikvah (La Mantovana)
John Brown's Body: (United States Marching Song)
Johnny Is Gone for a Soldier
Kimigayo: (National Anthem of Japan)
Kimigayo: (National Anthem of Japan)
London 2012 Olympic Games: National Anthem of Spain: Himno Nacional Espanol
The Long Reveille
Marcha Real [easy]: (National Anthem of Spain)
Marcha Real: (National Anthem of Spain)
Marcha Real: (National Anthem of Spain)
Marcha Real: National Anthem of Spain
Marcha Real: National Anthem of Spain
The Marines' Hymn
The Marines' Hymn
The Marines' Hymn (Apotheosis)
The Marines' Hymn: The Official Song of the United States Marine Corps
Minstrel Boy
My Country 'Tis of Thee
My Country Tis of Thee
Nad Tatrou sa bl�ska [easy]: (National Anthem of Slovakia)
Nad Tatrou sa Bl�ska: (National Anthem of Slovakia)
National Anthem of South Africa
National Anthem of South Africa
National Anthem of South Africa [easy]
National Anthem of Sweden: Du Gamla, Du Fria
Oj, Svijetla Majska Zoro [easy]: (National Anthem of Montenegro)
Oj, Svijetla Majska Zoro: (National Anthem of Montenegro)
Patriotic Old-Time Favorites: (You're a Grand Old Flag - Yankee Doodle Boy - Dixie)
Patriotic Piano Medley
Scotland the Brave
Scotland the Brave
Star-Spangled Prelude: Piano Duet
The U.S. Armed Forces Medley: America - Eternal Father, Strong To Save - Semper Paratus - The U.S. Air Force - The Caissons Go Rolling Along - The Marine's Hymn
The U.S. Armed Forces Medley: America - Eternal Father, Strong To Save - Semper Paratus - The U.S. Air Force - The Caissons Go Rolling Along - The Marine's Hymn
The U.S. Armed Forces Medley: America - Eternal Father, Strong To Save - Semper Paratus - The U.S. Air Force - The Caissons Go Rolling Along - The Marine's Hymn
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle / Yankee Doodle Dandy
Yankee Doodle [easy]
Yankee Doodle: (Father and I Went Down to Camp)
Yankee Doodle: Father and I Went Down to Camp
Yankee Doodle: Father and I Went Down to Camp
Yankee Doodle: Father and I Went Down to Camp
Yankee Doodle: Father and I Went Down to Camp
Yankee Doodle: Father and I Went Down to Camp
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023