Robert Schumann Sheet Music
Solo Instrumental Style
The Happy Farmer - Trumpet & Piano: (The Merry Peasant) Opus 68, No. 10
The Happy Farmer [easy]: (Fr�hlicher Landmann) Opus 68, No. 10
The Happy Farmer: (Opus 68, No. 10)
Kinderszenen, Op. 15, No. 7: Tr�umerei
Kinderszenen, Op. 15, No. 7: Tr�umerei [easy]
Kinderszenen, Op. 15: VII. Tr�umerei [easy]
St�ckchen (Little Piece): (from Album for the Young - Op. 68, No. 5)
A Thousand Years: (with About Strange Lands and People, Op. 15, No. 1)
Tr�umerei (Dreaming) [easy]: (from Scene from Childhood)
Tr�umerei [beginner] Op. 15: VII
Widmung [intermediate]
The Wild Horseman: (from Album for the Young - Op. 68, No. 8) Opus 68, No. 8
The Wild Rider [beginner]: (from Album for the Young, Opus 68, No. 8) Op. 68, No. 8
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023