Patti Rudisill Sheet Music
Title Index
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for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
The Edge of Dawn - String Trio & Piano: (from Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Piano
Emil (Sacrifice)
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Final Fantasy: Main Theme
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Forest Maze: (from Super Mario RPG)
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Gusty Garden Galaxy
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Hyrule Field Main Theme: (from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Inside the Castle Walls: (from Super Mario 64)
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Kakariko Village: (from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Kass's Theme
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
The Legend of Zelda Main Theme
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Lost Woods
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Outset Island
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Reminiscence - Violin, Viola & Harp
for Violin, Viola and Harp
Sailor Star Song - Violin & Piano: (from Sailor Moon Sailor Stars)
for Violin and Piano Accompaniment
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Snowy - Three Violins & Piano
for 3 Violins and
Thoughts to a Friend: (from Xenoblade Chronicles)
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Tifa's Theme
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Vanille's Theme - Violin & Piano
for Violin and Piano
Wind Scene: (from Chrono Trigger)
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
Zelda's Lullaby - Violin & Piano: (from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
for Violin and Piano Accompaniment
Zelda's Lullaby: (from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
for Violin
Zelda's Lullaby: (from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
for 2 Violins,
Viola and Cello
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023