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MusicMike512 Sheet Music
2x400m Relay: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Affections Touching Across Time / To Love's End: (from Inuyasha)
Afternoon: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Ah Eh I Oh You: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Air Guitar: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Angel: (from Secret)
Aquatic Ambiance: (from Donkey Kong Country)
Aria de l'Etoile: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Arkham City Main Theme - Violin & Piano
Arrival of the Birds: (from The Theory of Everything)
Aryll's Theme: (from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
At Nightfall: (from Swoard Art Online)
Aurora's Theme: (from Child of Light)
Autumn Sonata: (from Fruits Basket)
Azalea Town / Blackthorn City: (from Pokémon Gold / Silver / Crystal)
Bicycle Theme: (from Pokémon Red / Blue / Yellow)
Bicycle: (from Secret OST)
Born a Stranger: (from To the Moon)
Breathlessly: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Brothers: (from Fullmetal Alchemist)
Caged Heart: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Call of Magic / Nerevar Rising: (from The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind)
Catwoman: (from The Batman)
Circle of Life: (from The Lion King)
City Surf - Violin, Cello & Piano: (from The Grey)
City Surf: (from "The Grey)
Cloudland Swing: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Cold Iron: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Comfort: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Concord: (from Katawa Shoujo)
crying alone: (from Tsubasa Chronicle)
Damage: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Daylight: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Dearly Beloved (Piano Improvisation #2): (from Kingdom Hearts)
Desperate 2: (from Ip Man 3)
Dire Dire Docks: (from Super Mario 64)
Dispossession: (from NieR)
Dragon Roost Island: (from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
Ease: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Eau de Vie: (from Shiki)
Ecruteak City / Cianwood City: (from Pokémon Gold / Silver / Crystal)
Emil (Sacrifice): (from NieR)
End of the Line: (from Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
Ensei: (from Mai-HiME)
Enter the Twilight Realm: (from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Eternal Memory: (from Healer)
Eternal Snow: (from Full Moon wo Sagashite)
Every Heart: (from Inuyasha)
Everyday Fantasy: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Everything's Alright: (from To the Moon)
Fairy Tail (Main Theme)
Fallarbor Town: (from Pokémon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald)
Farewell, Pikachu! (Tears, After the Cloudy Weather): (from Pokémon)
Father and Son: (from Secret)
Faye's Theme: (from Finding Paradise)
Fi's Lament: (from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
First Step: (from Interstellar)
Fisherman's Horizon: (from Final Fantasy VIII)
Flight: (from Man of Steel)
Focus: (from Katawa Shoujo)
For the Love of a Princess: (from Braveheart)
Forgive Me: (from Thor)
Fortree City: (from Pokémon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald)
Friend A: (from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso aka Your Lie in April)
Friendship: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Fripperies: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Full Moon in Garoh: (from Golden Sun: The Lost Age)
Generic Happy Music: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Goldenrod City: (from Pokemon Gold / Silver / Crystal)
Goodbye My Son: (from Man of Steel)
Grandma's Theme: (from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
Grandma: (from NieR)
Great Sea: (from Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
Green Greens: (from Kirby's Dream Land)
Guile's Theme: (from Street Fighter II)
Gusty Garden Galaxy: (from Super Mario Galaxy)
Halloween (Main Theme)
Here to Stay: (from Bleach)
High Tension: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Hikari no Will Power (Trunks' Theme): (from Dragonball Z: Ultimate Battle 22)
Hokabi: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Ideal of Hope: (from Man of Steel)
Incredible Hulk (The Lonely Man)
Innocence: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Inside the Castle Walls: (from Super Mario 64)
Interstellar Medley
Jini: (from Nisemonogatari)
Jitter: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Kagome & Inuyasha's Theme: (from Inuyasha)
Kanakana Shigure: (from Hotarubi no Mori e)
Kataware Doki
King of Pride Rock / Circle of Life (Reprise): (from The Lion King)
Lake Hylia: (from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Last of Us (Main Theme): (from The Last of Us)
Lavender Town: (from Pokémon Gold / Silver / Crystal)
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword: Staff Roll / End Credits Theme
Legend of Zelda™ Ocarina of Time™ Title Theme
Legendary Hero: (from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
Letting My Heart Speak: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Light Runner: (from Rush to the Dead Summer)
Lilium: (from Elfen Lied)
Littleroot Town: (from Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)
Lon Lon Ranch (Epona's Theme): (from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
Lost Wings: (from Tsubasa Chronicle)
Love Theme from Mother 3
Lu Xiao Yu: (from Secret OST)
Lullaby of Open Eyes: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Luma (Rosalina's Storybook): (from Super Mario Galaxy)
Main Theme from Days Gone
Main Theme from God of War: Ragnarök
Main Theme From Ip Man
Main Title from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Main Titles / Theme from Logan
Max Payne - Main Theme - Piano & Guitar
Meeting and Parting: (from Pokémon)
Memories of Mother: (from God of War)
Moment of Decision: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Moongazer: (from To the Moon)
Moonwisher: (from To the Moon)
Morning Exercise: (from Secret)
My Confession: (from Doki Doki Literature Club)
My Feelings: (from Doki Doki Literature Club!)
My Heart Will Go On: (from Titanic)
National Park: (from Pokemon HeartGold / SoulSilver)
Natsu wo Miteita: (from Hotarubi no Mori e)
New Bark Town: (from Pokemon Gold / Silver / Crystal)
Next to You: (from Parasyte)
Nirvana: (from Ip Man)
Nocturne: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Now We Are Free: (from Gladiator)
Odale / Lavaridge Town: (from Pokémon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald)
Once Upon a Memory: (from To the Moon)
Oogway Ascends: (from Kung Fu Panda)
Ordon Village: (from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Otouto Mitai na Sonzai: (from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso aka Your Lie in April)
Out of the Loop: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Painful History: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Painful Memories: (from Heavy Rain)
Pallet Town: from Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow
Parity: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Passing of Time: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Petalburg City: (from Pokémon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald)
Piranha Plant's Lullaby: (from Super Mario 64)
Pokémon RSE - Ending/Credits Theme: (from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)
Prestigious Mask: (from NieR)
Raindrops and Puddles: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Red Velvet: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Reluctant Heroes: (from Attack on Titan)
Revenant Main Theme Atmospheric: (from The Revenant)
Riddler: (from The Batman 2022)
Ride With Me: (from Secret OST)
Romance in Andante II: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Romance in Andante: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Rosalina's Comet Observatory: (from Super Mario Galaxy)
Roxas' Theme: (from Kingdom Hearts 2)
Rustboro / Mauville / Mossdeep City: (from Pokémon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald)
Ryu's Theme: (from Street Fighter II)
Sadness and Sorrow: (from Naruto)
Saitama's Theme (Sadness): (from One Punch Man)
Saitama's Theme: (from One Punch Man)
Scale Theme: (from Finding Paradise)
School Days: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Seaside: (from Secret OST)
See the World: (from Impostor Factory)
Shadow of the Truth: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Shinkai: (from Elfen Lied)
Sign of Evil: (from Doom)
Song of Healing: (from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
Song of the Ancients: (from NieR)
Sous Les Draps: (from Mr. Nobody)
Spin: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Standing Tall: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Stride: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Student Council: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Surf Theme: (from Pokémon Gold / Silver / Crystal)
Surf Theme: (from Pokémon Red / Blue / Yellow)
Teatime, Fast Forward: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Tender Feeling
Tennessee [Version I]: (from Pearl Harbor)
Tennessee [Version II]: (from Pearl Harbor)
Thor: The Dark World (Main Theme)
Three Stars: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Through the Valley (Ellie's Version): (from The Last of Us: Part II)
Time (2022 Edition): (from Inception)
Time (Improvisation #3): (from Inception)
Time (Piano Improvisation #1): (from Inception)
Time (Piano Improvisation #2): (from Inception)
Time Is a Place: (from Finding Paradise)
Title Theme from Impostor Factory
To Become One: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Trainer Red / Champion Lance Battle Theme: Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver
Verdanturf Town: (from Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)
Violet City / Olivine City: (from Pokémon Gold / Silver / Crystal)
Viridian / Pewter / Saffron City: (from Pokemon Red / Blue / Yellow)
Walking (Map Theme): (from Pokemon GO)
Watashi no Uso: (from Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso aka Your Lie in April)
When it's Hard to Smile: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Wiosna: (from Katawa Shoujo)
Wish My Life Away: (from Finding Paradise)
Xiao Yu's Theme I: (from Secret OST)
Xiao Yu's Theme II: (from Secret)
Yakusoku: (from Elfen Lied)
Yonah / Ashes of Dreams: (from NieR)
Your Reality: (from Doki Doki Literature Club)
Zelda's Lullaby: (from The Legend of Zelda)
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023
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