Voice, 4-Part Choir and Piano Sheet Music
Easter Style
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
by Oliver Holden and Edward Perronet
Alleluia, Sing to Jesus
by Rowland H. Prichard and William Chatterton Dix
And Can It Be That I Should Gain?
by Thomas Campbell and Charles Wesley
Are You Washed in the Blood?
by Elisha A. Hoffmann
At the Cross
by Ralph E. Hudson and Isaac Watts
At the Name of Jesus
by James Mountain and Carol M. Noel
Because He Lives
by William J. Gaither and Gloria Gaither
performed by Bill & Gloria Gaither
The Borrowed Tomb
by Rebecca J. Peck and Dianne Wilkinson
performed by Kingdom Heirs
Christ Arose
by Robert Lowry
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today: Jesus Christ is Risen Today
by Lyra Davidica and Charles Wesley
The Church's One Foundation
by Samuel Wesley and Samuel Stone
Crown Him with Many Crowns
by George Job Elvey, Matthew Bridges and Godfrey Thring
Do, Lord, Remember Me
by African-American Spiritual
God So Loved the World
by John Stainer and 17 John 3:16
I Believe He Died for Me
by Joyce Croft and Colbert Croft
performed by The Hoppers
I've Just Seen Jesus
by William J. Gaither, Danny Daniels and Gloria Gaither
Kings and Nations
by Robin Mark
Lead Me to Calvary
by William J. Kirkpatrick and Jennie Evelyn Hussey
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
by John Zundel and Charles Wesley
Nothing but the Blood
by Robert Lowry
O Happy Easter Morning!
by Claribel
O Jesus, I Have Promised
by Arthur Henry Mann and John Ernest Bode
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
by Thomas Williams and Samuel Trevor Francis
The Old Rugged Cross
by Rev. George Bennard
Rock of Ages
by Thomas Hastings and Augustus M. Toplady
There Is a Fountain
by Traditional American Melody, Lowell Mason and William Cowper
There Is Power in the Blood
by Lewis Jones
Were You There?: When They Crucified My Lord
by Traditional
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
by Gregorian Chant and Isaac Watts
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023