We provide the notes,
so you can play the music.

About Us

Musicnotes has been transforming the way people purchase and play sheet music since 1998. Over the last two decades, we have become the world's leading digital sheet music retailer, providing an unparalleled catalogue of content for every instrument and skill level.

Find Any Song

Find Any Song

From classics to the most recent hits, finding the song you're looking for is easy thanks to our extensive library of titles.

Choose Your Arrangement

Choose Your Arrangement

For each song in our library, we offer a variety of scorings and transpositions that make it easy to choose the arrangement that fits your needs.

Play Anywhere

Play Anywhere

Checkout and print instantly, then play your sheet music anywhere with our free mobile and desktop apps.

20 Years

20 Years

Musicnotes was founded in 1998, with the goal of giving musicians easier access to their sheet music than ever before. Thanks to our hardworking team of experts and to our dedicated customers, we have continued that legacy while staying true to our startup business roots.

300,000 Arrangements


Our in-house staff of professional arrangers ensures quick-to-market production of the largest selection of officially licensed pieces. Musicnotes adds new arrangements daily, with transpositions notated by real musicians—not computers. Millions of musicians have instant access to the world’s most popular and hard-to-find songs.

6 Million Customers

Over 9 Million Customers

The world’s musicians choose Musicnotes as their most trusted sheet music source, with downloads and counting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, we provide musicians of all kinds instant access to a class-leading sheet music experience.

Musicnotes Press Room

The Musicnotes Press Room is your convenient source for company press releases, milestone moments, and brand assets and guidelines. Please use any of the information found on our press page and contact us if you need further information. Thank you for your interest in Musicnotes.

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At Musicnotes, we foster the creation of music by advocating for and rewarding its creators. Musicnotes has established a longstanding commitment to support songwriters and artists through legal commerce, partnering with music publishers of all sizes throughout the world and has paid out over 100 million in royalties to date.

Our ever-growing catalogue includes downloadable sheet music from publishers like Alfred Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing, Disney Music Publishing, BMG, Bourne Music, EMI Music Publishing, Universal Music Publishing, Schott Music, Brentwood-Benson, Peermusic Publishing, World Music, Shapiro Bernstein, ICG, The Loving Company, Manna Music, Spirit Music, Faber Music LTD and EMI Christian Music Publishing with many titles from other publishers continually being added to our digital assortment.

Publish With Us Today
Our Publishers

Musicnotes is Hiring!

Our team of musicians, creatives and tech experts are a dedicated bunch! We encourage creativity of all forms to bring a stellar sheet music experience for our creative customers. Why not see for yourself? Discover the career opportunities at Musicnotes available now!

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Corporate Inquiries

We'd love to hear from you! For corporate inquiries, get in touch here. Please be sure to include your attention information so we know which department to direct your inquiry to.

By Phone:
(608) 662-1680

Madison Headquarters:
Musicnotes | 901 Deming Way, Ste. 100 | Madison, WI 53717

Nashville Office:
Musicnotes | 2212 8th Av S | Nashville, TN 37204

Need Help?

We got your back! Should you ever need it, we offer excellent, US-based customer support for musicians, provided by musicians. We encourage customer feedback through live chat support, email support, and phone support, and we take the time to understand your questions or needs. We are happy to help!

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