Tuba, Bass Clef Instrument, Trombone, Cello, Double Bass, Bassoon and Baritone Horn Sheet Music
Title Index
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A Babe Is Born In Bethlehem
by Ludwig M. Lindeman
Blank Space - Bass Clef Instrument
by Taylor Swift, Shellback and Max Martin
Christmas Greeting
by Traditional
From East to West
by Traditional German Carol and John Ellerton
Go Tell It on the Mountain
by Traditional
Lost Stars - Bass Clef Instrument
by Gregg Alexander, Danielle Brisebois, Nick Lashley
and Nicky Southwood
performed by Adam Levine
Onward, Christian Soldiers
by Arthur Seymour Sullivan and Sabine Baring-Gould
by Burgundian Carol and Traditional
Reuben and Rachel - Bass Clef Instrument
by William Gooch and Harry Birch
Shut Up and Dance - Bass Clef Instrument
by Ryan McMahon, Ben Berger, Nicholas Petricca, Sean Waugaman,
Kevin Ray and Eli Maiman
performed by Walk The Moon
Thinking Out Loud - Bass Clef Instrument
by Ed Sheeran and Amy Wadge
Uptown Funk - Bass Clef Instrument
by Mark Ronson, Bruno Mars, Jeffrey Bhasker, Phil Lawrence,
Devon Gallaspy and Nicholaus Williams
Welcome to Jurassic World - Bass Clef Instrument: from the 2015 Universal Motion Picture Jurassic World
by John Williams
performed by Jurassic World
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023